why volunteer ?
Volunteers are needed to run all of our events. Without volunteers, there would be no events. We need your time, not your money. Please review the many volunteer jobs there are on Uplifter.
our new and improved volunteer tier system:
Our club runs on the strength of our volunteers and our volunteers are truly amazing! This year we have decided to tier the volunteer fee and required hours.
All Skating Academy parents will pay $100 when first registering. Parents are required to complete 3 hours (minimum) to get their money credited back. Parents from Junior up will pay $350 and are required to complete 6 hours (minimum) to get their money credited back to them.
Families will only pay once, regardless of the amount of skaters in the family registered for sessions. Parents will pay the volunteer fee for the skater at the highest level in the family and are expected to complete the hours that correlate with that level.
***In January, skaters who move up from Canskate to Skating Academy and skaters moving up from Skating Academy to Junior Volunteer Fees will be applied. For CanSkaters moving up to Skating Academy, a Volunteer Fee will be charged in the amount $100 (3 hrs minimum volunteering hours) and Skating Academy skaters moving up to Junior will need to pay an additional $250 and complete 6 hrs minimum. All moves in April are exempt from any additional volunteer fees until next September.
All credits for volunteer hours will be done after the end of the Spring skating session.
There are almost 200 volunteer positions and over 550 hours available. First come, first pick. All volunteer positions are in Uplifter. Sign into account>add volunteer position. These positions can be accessed throughout the skating season.
Inlet volunteers helping organize a skate swap at the rink last October
The Skaters at Inlet Skating Club thank all parent volunteers for all your time and commitment