Contact Us

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300 Ioco Road
Port Moody, BC, V3H 2V7


General Questions

  • How do I register for skating?

  • What payment methods do you accept for registration?

    • We accept Visa and Mastercard

  • What is the Skate Canada fee?

    • The Skate Canada fee is a yearly fee (Sept to Aug) that is collected by the club on behalf of Skate Canada. Skate Canada is the governing body of skating in Canada

  • What is the refundable volunteer fee?

    • Much of our club is run by volunteers. To keep things fair for all club members we are implementing a Refundable Volunteer Fee of $100 which will be automatically charged onto your invoice upon your Fall registration. CanSkaters and Teen Learn to figure skate will not have to pay this fee. This fee will be credited back to your account once you or a family member have fulfilled 10 hours of volunteer duties by the end of the skating season in June. However, in lieu of your time for volunteer duties you have the option of donating the $100 to the club.

  • What is the Club fee?

    • Each year the club holds a number of events, including an Ice Show that runs every 2nd year. In order to keep the cost of these events low for our skaters and their families, we collect a Club Fee of $25 from every skater ONCE during the skating year. CanSkate and teen learn to figure skate will not have to pay this fee. We strive to ensure we keep this charge as low as possible in order to reach our goals of creating a fabulous home club for your children.

  • What is the refund policy for registration fees

    • With the exception of "medical reasons" passed by the ISC Board of Directors, all fees are non-refundable.


  • What is CanSkate?

    • CanSkate is Skate Canada’s flagship learn-to-skate program designed for beginners of all ages. 

  • How is it different from the local recreation programs?

    • Canskate is the only Nationally Recognized Learn to Skate Program for beginners of all ages. It was developed by experts to teach the fundamentals of skating in a progressive and sequential manner.Our highly trained Skate Canada NCCP Certified professional coaches will make sure that your child has all the tools needed to learn the basics needed for all types of ice sports.

  • Do you offer equipment rental?

    • We do not offer any equipment rental. All skaters need to have their own skates as well as a CSA approved helmet

  • What should I wear for CanSkate?

    • We recommend that you wear clothing that is warm but still allows a certain degree of freedom. Gloves, Warm pants, a sweater and jacket is always a good start. Layers are always recommended.

For any other questions regarding CanSkate please contact

Skating Academy

  • What is Skating Academy?

    • Skating Academy is a program that has been designed for skaters who would like to pursue figure skating.

  • How do I join the program?

    • Skaters must first audition for the program through the Skating Director or be recommended by one of our ISC coaches. 

  • What is the format of the program?

    • Skating Academy is taught in a group format. The skaters will participate in both on ice and off ice training.

  • What should I bring/wear?

    • All skaters are required to have their own skates as well as a CSA approved helmet. Girls should be in tights or a skating dress and boy should wear form fitting pants. For off ice training skaters are required to bring a yoga mat, a water bottle, and runners

For any other questions regarding Skating Academy please contact

Starskate and Competitive

  • Are lessons included in the registration fees?

    • Unlike in CanSkate and Skating Academy lesson fees are not included in your registrations fees. However all Development sessions will include coaching with the registration fee

  • What are the Development sessions?

    • The Development sessions are a group lesson that focuses on the fundamentals of basic skating as well as on dance, skills, and spin development. Coaching is included on all development sessions.

  • How will I be billed for private/semi-private lessons?

    • You will be sent invoices from whichever coaches work with you on a monthly basis

  • How can I pay for lessons?

    • It varies from coach to coach but all coaches accept cash, and cheque. Most coaches also accept E-Transfers. If you are unsure what payment methods the coach accept don’t be afraid to send an email to ask

  • Who do I contact if I’m going to miss skating

    • Please let all your coaches that work with you know if you are going to miss a day of skating. 24 hour notice is required or you will be charged as usual

  • What is a contact coach?

    • You will be given a “Contact Coach” once you enter Junior private lessons. This contact coach can change from one season to the next, depending on the skater’s availability and the availability of the coach. This coach will work with you for the season to form a budget, make goals, all communication regarding tests and competition and any questions or concerns that you may have.

  • What are the different star levels and what will my skater work on in each level

For any other questions regarding Private lessons please contact your Contact Coach